Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lock up your daughters!

Because this handsome little devil will go after them! Griffin has been all about the ladies lately, starting on Monday when he was flirting with twin girls, Charlotte and Grace. We had lunch with them and their mom, my good friend Anna and our old roommate Angela. Griffin was moving back and forth between to the two of them in their carriers, tickling their toes and giving them kisses. Oh, I should mention the girls are 6 months old.

Then, today, Griffin was putting the moves on all the girls! We went to library time, where he sat practically in the lap of one little girl in a purple shirt, then proceeded to poke at her and try to show her his "boo-boos". After I pulled him away from her, (her mom didn't look too pleased, but she was dressed in an identical outfit as her daughter, so she probably doesn't have much of a sense of humor about these things) he moved on to another blond girl with a pony tail. She was slightly more receptive to his advances, but I interrupted him before he could make any more moves.

Later the same day, we went to the Chick-Fil A to play on their playground (it's getting too hot to be outside and they have a really cool play area!) and there was another little girl that he followed around. She was close to the same age, and they spent a lot of time "talking" in the little tree and climbing around the play area together. She left to go see her mom, and when she came back he opened the door for her and said, "Come on! Come play!"

I think I have a little ladies' man on my hands!


marisalea said...

This made me laugh, like usual. I love your posts; it's like being right there! I am jealous that you and Anna got to hang out. I wish that Annabelle and I could have been there!

Liz said...

The trifecta would have been complete! Wish you could have been there too!

Rachel said...

I'll bring my "ladies" over to play... I can't wait to see him in action!
He really is such a doll!

Linda said...

Oh Griffin, he is such a babe magnet!

Joelle said...

I don't know if I should lock Natalie up or wait to see what happens. From previous interactions, he generally offers her food - a true way to a womans heart.

Let's get together sometime soon.

Anna and Jay said...

Ummm, hope he doesn't get too many girlfriends! My girls will be jealous! So good to see you guys! He is a chick magnet!