Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A slice of life...

Griffin is growing up so fast! Last week he spent a wonderful sunny day with my mom. She bought him two new hats, took him to the park with the bouncy horse, and got him McDonald's for lunch. Life was good. After lunch we went out to hit some balls with Griff's tee-ball stand that Sean got him. He likes to hit a few, then watch us do it. He says, "Momma's turn. I watch." Apparently, those nuggets went straight to his belly! Then, a few days after that, he found my Ipod, and insisted that I put it on him. He immediately started bobbing his head to the music, and walked down the hall towards his room. He wouldn't stop to talk to Sean, he was in his own little world. We can't believe he's already a teenager. Ignoring his parents with his headphones on and closing himself up in his room. After a minute, we went to check on him and he was in the office pulling out a Family Guy disc which he insisted on watching. Oh, they grow so quickly.
And finally, today, I was making dinner and I got a text message from my neighbor across the street, "Your son looks so cute mowing the lawn with his daddy." I looked outside, and Griffin was following Sean around with his bubble mower from Grandma Pam, mowing the lawn. (Major points to Sean for mowing the lawn!) Of course, by the time I got out there with my camera, Griffin had declared that they were "done" and it was time to play. I managed to stage a few shots, and he was not a very willing participant. As you can see from these fabulous photos. (Keep in mind Griffin had just woken up from his nap not long before this and still had a major case of bed head. I think it adds to the charm of the pictures!)

We're all done!
No more mowing! We're done!
Okay, I'll help dad put the mower away.
I will not touch my little mower.
Seriously mom. No more pictures. We're done.
(Griffin has discovered his pockets. He likes to walk around with his hands in them.)

So, that's just a little slice of life around here. Much more fun now that we have warmer weather, but don't be fooled by the shorts and tee shirt. It's not that warm, Griffin just doesn't have time to throw on a sweatshirt when there is fun to be had.


Michelle said...

Your family is so cute, hard to believe we've all grown up and have families of our own. Love your blog :)

Joelle said...

I love his shirt, does it say "My parents are exhausted" ?

True and cute! Hope to see you soon.

Anna and Jay said...

I love the belly photo! What a cute kid! I'm sure that those teenage years will be fun. Family guy--already??? Seriously, you are in for some trouble! ;)