Friday, November 28, 2008

Highlights from Houston

So I'm just getting around to posting this, but we were lucky enough to spend a long weekend in Houston visiting Sean and the Arrington family. We had "Thanksgiving/Christmas/Griffin's Birthday" all packed into 5 fun-filled days. It was gorgeous, and it was my first time in Texas, so I was excited. I was a little disappointed at the overall lack of cowboys, and southern accents. I wouldn't have even minded being called "ma'am". But, the free samples at the HEB made it all worth while. They had samples of wine! And, at the liquor store we sampled Scotch! Only in Texas. Remember Scott, we'll always have HEB. On top of being able to spend quality time with our family, and seeing Sean again, here are some other highlights: 

(For some reason I didn't take any pictures of Griffin's first experience at Chuck-E-Cheese. I wish I could figure out a way to type the way he said, "chuckeecheeeese" over and over again. He loved it, almost as much as his daddy and uncle scotty did!)

First we celebrated Christmas, Griffin got his own remote controlled Dinosaur, which freaked him out a little at first. But he had fun opening all his presents, and even forgave Aunt Candy for waking him up.

Then, we celebrated his birthday. Grandma Pam and Uncle Scotty spoiled him rotten! He got lot's of dinosaurs (Roar!) and books, and fun toys. 

The cake was awesome, but it stained everything green. Griffin thought it was really fun! Sorry for the blurry picture, Mommy had a few cocktails. 

We went to the Houston Zoo, Griff rode his first Carousel. He was so cute, he'd wave at everyone watching the whole way around, then he had to say "Bye Bye" and pet all the animals on his way off.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So close to Austin....and yet so far away!