Monday, June 29, 2009


I know I've been slacking on the blog, but it has been a whirlwind the past two weeks!!! It was exhausting enough living it, the thought of recapping it all just makes me tired. Here's the gist...
I have beautiful cousins...
Griffin slept through the rehearsal dinner...
We drank margaritas...

My brother got married...

We went climbing...

Lindsay stayed for the week after everyone left and we packed more fun stuff in...walks to the park, a trip to the zoo, IKEA, drinking at Hogswallow, and swimming.


Joelle said...

You weren't did look hot at the wedding!

Mandy said...

Lookin' good. I loved both dress choices.

Linda said...

That was well put. I know what you mean, it is too close to the madness to relive it. This has been the party season. I love this family and the fun we have, inspite of the exhaustion.

Heather said...

Liz! You are and your cousins are so beautiful in that first picture. Love your blue dress too!

Went to "Cooney's" the other day which is now a Mexican Restaurant. Thought of you and Sara while I was there! Miss you both!